Toshi TANAKA's Homepage

More than 130 Participants Joined Us to Celebrate
GB's 50th and MT's 30th
Anniversaries of Coming to Japan!!
After the OM production Shunkan at the Small Theatre, we gathered to celebrate both Professors Gavin Bantock and Merwyn Torikian for their anniversary years. Thank you for your joining us and/or contributing to the presents to GB & MT and to the party itself! G・バントック先生来日50周年、M・トリキアン先生来日30周年を記念して、卒業生公演『俊寛』(於小劇場)後、麗澤大学の「はなみずき」にてパーティを開催しました(9月21日(土)17:30-20:00)。多くの皆さんにお集まりいただき、また、協力金を頂戴しました。厚く御礼申し上げます。
Date & Time(日時): 17:30-20:00, September 21, 2019 (After the OM Production “Shunkan” performance at the Small Theatre)
Venue(会場): Hanamizuki (Reitaku Café) in Reitaku University
Fee(参加費): 5,000 yen (2,000 yen for 25 years old or younger)

If you attended the Anniversary Party on 21st September (and again many thanks for a wonderful time!), you would have been given a copy of this book. If you didn't get one, or if you left your book behind by mistake, PLEASE LET ME KNOW your postal address, and we will send you one. We are also sending the book to some people who sent us kind messages and/or made donations, and to many dear friends and relatives world-wide. [People attending the Satellite Anniversary Party in Fukui City on 14th December will also receive a copy.] Anyone else who would like a copy of the book, please let me know and I will tell you how to obtain it. A limited number of hard copies are still available, and the book is also available online as a downloadable .pdf file. The book contains hundreds of photographs from every year of GB's life of 80 years so far, and there are lots of pictures of the Reitaku Family – R.U.E.D.G., ESS and other members and old members – and of members of the Bantock and More families! (Special thanks to my book producer Masashi Miyahara, who printed and bound this book in the middle of Japan's worst typhoon this year!)" (Quote from GB's Facebook entry on Oct. 1, 2019)
List of Errata (By Ms. Kyoko Bantock) on "Fourscore and Upward"
『八十の坂を越え』 正誤表はこちら(京子バントック夫人による訂正)
About the Production "Shunkan"(英語劇『俊寛』について)
We would like to show our appreciation that our event is supported by Reitaku University Alumni Association. 今回のイベント開催にあたり、麗澤大学麗澤会からご支援をいただきました。この場をお借りして厚く御礼申し上げます。
Anniversary Book "Fourscore and Upward: Gavin Bantock's Life So Far (1939~2019)
A Pictorial Chronology"