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My homepage is now ready!

Since last year, I have used facebook and put my thoughts and photos there from my daily life. That is a good venue to reunite with my old friends as well as to communicate more with my friends, colleagues, and students. I really enjoy my life with facebook, and I thought that was almost enough for my networking.

The reason I have otherwise decided to create my own site is to make my activities somehow more visible. My article on CCF and Social Credit appeared in "Heigen Kanada no Kenkyu (平原カナダの研究)", for example, has been circulated only among the members of a small inner circle of JACS, and, though I am not so optimistic to believe that it will be read by so many others, I needed an option to present that kind of work open to others. I am to link some other works of mine later.

Another reason is that, because my facebook entry is mostly in Japanese, I thought that creating a site would be a good opportunity for me to connect and reconnect with my friends and colleagues etc. abroad (mostly in Canada). That I have been too busy nowadays cannot be a good excuse, but I often miss the chance to greet seasonally. Hopefully this blog can be at least a part of the compensation and the way to show how my family and I enjoy our busy life.

The below are photos taken last October at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo. I was a discussant of Anne Shannon's lecture based on her book Finding Japan. Great honor to me to speak in front of general audience.

Kiwi popsicle
Facebook - 長い1日でした。昼食は今日の大使館E・H・ノーマン・スピーカーズ・シリーズの講演者アン・シャノンさんと大使館参事官ローリー・ピーターズさん

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