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The 41st JACS Annual Conference

On September 10 and 11, at Chuo University Korakuen Campus, we held the 41st JACS Annual Conference. JACS is the abbreviation of the Japanese Association for Canadian Studies.

I feel very much honored to have worked for the successful conference as the chair of the planning committee. The keynote speaker this year was Dr. Garth Stevenson (Brock University), who read his papers on current Canadian politics and on Canadian federalism. It was his second visit (and first in 40 years!) to Japan, and seemingly he enjoyed his stay in Tokyo and a day trip to Kyoto. Conference was a real success. Many younger scholars attended the conference this time, which made the event more lively--hoping this statement won't hurt any senior scholars, though.

The 42nd Conference will be held at National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka next year on September 9 and 10. We are very much looking forward to celebrating the 150th anniversary of Confederation with many Canadianists in Japan!

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